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New Zealand Acronyms & Abbreviations

New Zealand Acronyms & Abbreviations

New Zealand Acronyms & Abbreviations
New Zealand Acronyms & Abbreviations

Read a listing of New Zealand acronyms and abbreviations.


AA - New Zealand Automobile Association (read about driving in New Zealand)

AANZFTA - The ASEAN Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement

ACC - Accident Compensation Corporation

ACT - Association of Consumers and Taxpayers Read more

AILA - Auckland International Airport Limited

AK - Auckland

AKL - Auckland Airport

AM - Auckland Museum

ANZAC - Australian and New Zealand Army Corps

ANZCERTA - Australia-New Zealand Comprehensive Economic Relations and Trade Agreement

ANZFRMC - Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council

ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations

ANZTEC - The Agreement between New Zealand and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu on Economic Cooperation

APE - Auckland Peering Exchange

APO - Auckland Policy Office

AQA - Academic Quality Agency

ARC - Arcade

ARTA - Auckland Regional Transport Authority

ATL - Alexander Turnbull Library

AUT - Auckland University of Technology (read more about universities in New Zealand)


BBNZ - Bed & Breakfast Association of New Zealand

BOPRC - Bay of Plenty Regional Council


CHC - Christchurch

CIAL - Christchurch International Airport Limited

CPTPP - The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership

CYF - Child, Youth and Family (now Oranga Tamariki / Ministry for Children)


DND - Dunedin

DNZB - Dictionary of New Zealand Biography

DOC - Department of Conservation


ECNZ - Electricity Corporation of New Zealand Limited

EHSAS - Extending High Standards Across Schools

EOI - Expression of Interest

EQC - Earthquake Commission

ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages


FBT - Fringe Benefit Tax

FMA - Financial Markets Authority

FNDC - Far North District Council

FSANZ - Food Standards Australia New Zealand 


GCBT - Great Christchurch Building Trust

GIS - Gisborne

GST - Goods and Service Tax

GWRC - Greater Wellington Regional Council


HNZC - Housing New Zealand Corporation

HNZPT - Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga


IAA - Immigration Adviser's Authority

ICCPR - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

ICCS - International Civic and Citizenship Education Study

IELTS - International English Language Testing System

IETC - Independent Earner Tax Credit

INZ - Immigration New Zealand

IPONZ - Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand

IRD - Inland Revenue Department

IVC - Invercargill

IVL - International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy


JANDAL - Japanese sandal, flip-flops

JAFA - Just Another F*cking Aucklander


KAREN - Kiwi Advanced Research and Education Network


LCANZ - Legal Citations of Aotearoa New Zealand

LIAs - Licensed immigration advisers

LINZ - Land Information New Zealand


MANZ - Motel Association of New Zealand

MBIE - Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

MetService - Meteorological Service of New Zealand (weather)

MFAT - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

MMP - Mixed Member Proportional Representation

MNU - Matariki Network of Universities

MOE - Ministry of Education

MOTAT - Museum of Transport and Technology Auckland

MSA - Maritime Safety Authority

MSD - Ministry for Social Development


NAC - New Zealand National Airways Corporation

NAL - North Auckland Line

NASDAP - National Association of Secondary Deputy and Assistant Principals

NCEA - National Certificate of Educational Achievement

NCW - National Council of Women

NIMT - North Island Main Trunk

NIWA - National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research

NPR - Napier

NSN - Nelson

NSN - National Student Number

NZ - New Zealand

NZAEP - New Zealand Association of Event Planning Professionals

NZBS - NZ Blood Service

NZC - New Zealand Cricket

NZCF - New Zealand Curriculum Framework

NZCPA - New Zealand Cricket Players Association

NZCTE - New Zealand Council for Teacher Education

NZCTU - New Zealand Council of Trade Unions

NZD - New Zealand Dollar

NZDF - New Zealand Defence Force

NZEECS - New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy

NZEI - New Zealand Educational Institute

NZES - New Zealand Ecological Society

NZES - New Zealand Educational Services

NZES - New Zealand Energy Strategy

NZeTA - New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority

NZFSA - New Zealand Food Safety Authority

NZHIS - New Zealand Health Information Service

NZKA - New Zealand Karen Association

NZKGI - New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Incorporated (What is a kiwi?)

NZL - New Zealand

NZNBL - New Zealand National Basketball League

NZNO - New Zealand Nurses Organization

NZPC - New Zealand Prostitutes Collective

NZQA - New Zealand Qualifications Authority

NZQF - New Zealand Qualifications Framework

NZR - New Zealand Railways

NZST - New Zealand Standard Time

NZTA - New Zealand Transport Agency

NZTC - New Zealand Teachers Council

NZTE - New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

NZX - New Zealand Exchange (Stock Exchange)


OAM - Oamaru

OE - Overseas experience

ORC - Otago Regional Council


PAYE - Pay As You Earn

PI - Pacific Islander

PHN - Public Health Nurse

PMN - Palmerston North

PNZ - Paralympics New Zealand

POAL - Ports of Auckland

PPTA - Post Primary Teachers' Association

PRA - Prostitution Reform Act

PSIS - Public Service Investment Society (now Co-operative Bank)


QLDC - Queenstown-Lakes District Council

QTN - Queenstown

QY - Quay


RFSC - Refugee Family Support Category

RNZIR - Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment

ROT - Rotorua

RPE - Rape Prevention Education

RTO - Regional Tourism Organisation

RTONZ - Regional Tourism Organisations New Zealand


SENZ - Sports Entertainment Network New Zealand

SH - State Highway

SKOANZ - Sea Kayaker Operators Association

SLSNZ - Surf Life Saving New Zealand

SMC - Skilled Migrant Category

SOOB - Small Owner Operated Brothels

SPANZ - Secondary Principals' Association of New Zealand

SSE - Supplementary Seasonal Employer Scheme

SSNZ - Sport Science New Zealand

SSNZ - Settlement Support New Zealand


TAANZ - Travel Agents Association of New Zealand

TAB NZ - Totaliser Agency Board (sports betting agency)

TCE - Terrace

TEAL - Tasman Empire Airways Limited - the forerunner of Air New Zealand

TECNZ - Tourism Export Council New Zealand

TIA - Tourism Industry Association of New Zealand

TIM - Timaru

TKI - Te Kete Ipurangi (online resources for schools)

TPO - Taupo

TRSE - Transitioning to Recognised Seasonal Employer

TVNZ - TV New Zealand


UE - University Entrance


(VPS&CT) - Victoria Park Sports and Cultural Trust

VUW - Victoria University of Wellington


WES - Westport

WHRF - Wharf

WINZ - Work & Income New Zealand

WLG - Wellington

WLG - Wellington Airport

WSNZ - Water Safety New Zealand


XRB - External Reporting Board


YHA - Youth Hostels Association


ZEL - Z Energy

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